Nazi Zombies Wiki

The Ice Slide is a new utility found in Call of the Dead.

Ice slide

Going down the Ice Slide

It is a slide, made of ice, that the player can slide down to escape zombies and to get to Speed Cola and Sickle. It can be very useful in some situations, however, can be very dangerous. It is useful because it gives the players a chance to escape from the zombies for a few moments, but the downside is that they can be trapped in that area if a door isn't opened.

However, zombies can also go down the slide and follow the player, especially George A. Romero.


  • One tactic with the slide is to drop some Matryoshka Doll's when going to the slide to suprise any followers.
  • Another is to simply mow down a few zombies with a RPK or HK21 after hitting the end, but don't stay to long.